

2025-03-045 min read

Hey there, welcome back to my blog.

I know no one reads this, but I still write to clear up my mind and also to have something to read later. I know it sounds stupid, but it kind of makes sense to me.

I was very down on February and it was a very hard time for me. Every now and then I feel kind of down. When I see the people around my age living happier lives than me and having it all figured out, I feel sorry for me. Don't get me wrong, I said this before and I will say it again, I have a very good life compared to most people who're living in Afghanistan, but when I see people from other countries, I kinda feel sad for myself.

In all of those sadnesses talking to my family, specially my mom makes me forget everything. There's something with mothers that makes you feel peace and calm and forget about every little sadness you have. I did exactly that. I talked to her, and to be honest, that helped. She knows when I'm sad even if I don't tell her.

So we talked and talking it out loud helped. I didn't tell her the stuff I'm writing here because these will only add to her list of things to worry about (pretty usual between Afghan moms, haha).

I pressed restart, I thought of what I'm missing while being the way I was. I guess, that's called being depressed or something.

I thought to myself of the things I would be missing by just thinking and comparing myself to others and not taking action. I mean... I could be successful and figure it all out and things like that but if I waste time thinking about it and not taking action I don't think that will be a good idea. There's a quote that I have on my sticky notes on my desk: "There's someone else living the life you want just because they took action and you didn't". I think it is from Sahil Bloom.

I read it, and read it, and read it, and read it. It made a lot of sense. Worrying and feeling sorry for myself won't give me what I want (and man, do I want big things), the only thing that could get me close to those is taking action. I started taking action again and it feels so good. I still feel the things I felt last month, but I've gotten way better. When I think of those things, I just get out of my bed and start taking action. I am working on the second version of the Clinic Manager app right now (making it a web app with more features) and also I've started to learn some other things too.

After finishing the app, I will start working on my mobile app which I was delaying for no reason for like more than a year now. I will surely start working on it and it will either be a hit or miss, but the important point is that I will learn things and have a great story.

I really wish that you'll press the "restart" button too, if you feel stuck or lost. Let's try to be optimistic and work towards our goals.

Thanks for reading this, I'll really appreciate it if you could press the follow button on my X/Twitter account.